Mastering the Art of Indoor Manners: House Training Your Mature Canine


Regardless if your furry friend joined your family in their later years or you simply didn’t get the chance to house train them during their puppyhood, it’s never too late to prove that an old dog can indeed learn new tricks! With patience and consistency, your adult dog can be as well-behaved as a puppy. Moreover, professional grooming services can play a significant role in this process. Yes, you heard that right!  Let’s explore how.

House Training an Older Dog: The Basics

House training an older dog begins with establishing the following:

  1. Establish a Routine: Feeding meals at regular times and taking your dog out at the same intervals every day can help them understand when it’s time for bathroom breaks.

  2. Frequent Potty Breaks: Take your dog outside at least once every hour to an appropriate potty area. This frequent exposure will help them understand where they should do their business.

  3. Set Up for Success: Create an environment that makes it easy for your dog to succeed in their house training, such as having a designated “toilet target” area.

  4. Patience is Key: Wait patiently for your pup to potty and avoid distracting them during this time.

  5. Reward Good Behavior: When your dog successfully uses the toilet target, reward them with praise or a treat. This reinforces the positive behavior.

  6. Use Specific Phrases: Use a consistent phrase each time your dog is going to the bathroom to create an association between the command and the action.

  7. Limit Freedom Initially: Keep the dog tethered to you using a leash, limiting their freedom until they’ve learned the rules of the house.

  8. Crate Training: Crate training can be a useful tool for potty training older dogs, providing them with a safe space and preventing accidents in the house when you’re not there to supervise.

  9. Consistent Elimination Station: Always take your dog to the same spot for elimination. This consistency helps your dog understand where it’s appropriate to go.

  10. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog every time they eliminate outdoors to reinforce this behavior. Rewards can include treats, praise, or playtime.

Remember, patience and consistency are essential when house training an older dog. It may take some time, but with these techniques, your mature canine friend will learn their new house manners.

The Importance of Professional Grooming Services & House Training

So how does professional grooming services aid in the on-going house training of your older pup?  While grooming services don’t directly teach a dog where and when to eliminate their business, they do contribute to a dog’s overall well-being, routine, and behavior, all of which can positively impact house training.  You maybe wondering, “How Specifically?”

Well…..Here’s how:

1. Establishing Routine: Regular grooming appointments can help establish a routine for your dog. Dogs thrive on consistency and routine. The regularity of grooming appointments can translate into better habits around the house, including pottying.

2. Promoting Good Health: Grooming services often include health checks that could identify potential issues impacting house training. For instance, undetected health conditions, like urinary tract infections, can cause accidents in the house. A professional groomer might spot signs of such problems, allowing for prompt treatment and improving house training outcomes.

3. Enhancing Comfort: If a dog is uncomfortable due to issues like matted fur or skin conditions, they may be distracted or distressed, which can interfere with house training. Regular grooming helps ensure the dog’s comfort, which can lead to better focus and adherence to house training.

4. Encouraging Socialization: Grooming services often involve interaction with different people and sometimes other dogs. This exposure can help improve a dog’s socialization skills, making them more adaptable and better behaved, both in public settings and at home.

Regular grooming can also help your dog feel more comfortable and reduce behaviors like scratching or chewing.  In short, grooming services for your dog (regardless of age) teaches them so many vital disciplinary skills including house training.

Choosing the Right Dog Grooming Service

When selecting a grooming service, consider their experience with older dogs. Ask about their process and how they handle dogs who may be anxious or nervous. An excellent grooming service will prioritize your dog’s comfort and safety, which will, in turn, make house training easier.

Look no further for that right grooming service.  We here at My BFF Pet Grooming have vast experience with not only older dogs but young ones from all types of  breeds and sizes.  Rest assured, your furry friend is in good hands.

Ready To Start Your Dog’s Routine With Regularly Scheduled Dog Grooming Services in Fort Myers?

Just give us a call. From the moment you step in our mobile dog grooming van, you’ll feel like family with our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We use only the best products and techniques to ensure your dog leaves not only looking their best but feeling their best too. At My BFF, we understand that every dog is unique and treat them as such. Give us a try and see the difference for yourself!

Contact My BFF Mobile Pet Grooming Services in Fort Myers today to schedule an appointment and give your dog an amazing experience. Give us a call at: 239) 339-3056 or email us directly at:  You can always click up top on our Mobile Dog Grooming Appointment Tab to start the process online

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