Top Ways to Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

Top Ways to Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer My-BFF Mobile grooming services ft myers cape coral

Top Ways to Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

Summer in Ft. Myers, Florida, brings plenty of sunshine and warmth, but it also means higher temperatures that can affect our furry friends. As a responsible pet owner, it’s important to ensure that your pets stay cool and comfortable during the scorching summer months. My BFF Pet Services, your trusted mobile dog groomer, is here to share tips to keep your pets cool and safe this summer.


  1. Hydration is Key

Keeping your pet hydrated is crucial during the summer. Make sure they have constant access to fresh, clean water. Consider adding ice cubes to their water bowl to keep it cool throughout the day. For walks or outings, if you are going any long length, it is a great idea to carry a portable water bottle with an attached bowl to ensure your pet can drink whenever needed.


  1. Provide Shade and Ventilation

If your pet spends time outdoors, ensure they have ample shade to sit in as they need to. Trees, umbrellas, or tarps can create shaded areas where your pet can escape the direct sun. Additionally, consider using fans or air conditioning to keep indoor environments cool and well-ventilated.


  1. Schedule Walks Wisely

Plan your walks during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to avoid the peak heat. Hot pavement can burn your pet’s paws, so always check the ground temperature before heading out. A good way to do this is to place the back of your hand on the pavement for seven seconds—if it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet’s paw pads.


  1. Grooming Matters

Regular grooming can help your pet stay cool by removing excess fur and preventing matting, which can trap heat. At My BFF Pet Services, we offer professional grooming services that include trimming, bathing, and brushing to keep your pet’s coat in optimal condition. A well-groomed pet is a cooler and happier pet.


  1. Use Cooling Products

There are various cooling products available that can help keep your pet comfortable, such as cooling mats, vests, and bandanas. These items are designed to lower your pet’s body temperature and provide relief from the heat. Simply wet them and let your pet enjoy the cooling sensation.


  1. Avoid Overexertion

Dogs love to play, but excessive exercise in hot weather can lead to heat exhaustion or even heatstroke. Limit strenuous activities and ensure your pet takes frequent breaks in the shade. Be vigilant for signs of overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy, and take immediate action if you notice any of these symptoms.


  1. Refreshing Treats

Frozen treats can be a wonderful way to help your pet stay cool. Consider making frozen dog treats using ingredients like yogurt, peanut butter, and fruit. You can freeze their favorite toys or use a Kong toy filled with treats to create an engaging and cooling snack.


The Take Away

Your pet’s well-being is a top priority, especially during the hot summer months in Ft. Myers, Florida. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry friend stays cool, comfortable, and happy all summer long. You know your pet better than anyone, reading their body language and signals are key. Remember, My BFF Pet Services is here to assist with all your grooming needs, keeping your pet looking and feeling their best.


For more information or to schedule a grooming appointment in the Southwest Florida area,  contact My BFF Pet Services today.

Visit or call 239-339-3056.

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